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"Divine Encounters: 'There Was Jesus' Stirred my Soul with the Holy Spirit"

As the notes of the song washed over me, I felt a stirring within my soul, a presence that I couldn't quite explain but knew was undeniably real – the Holy Spirit. It was as if every word, every chord, carried with it the divine touch of grace, penetrating the depths of my despair and awakening a sense of profound peace within me.

In the midst of my brokenness, "There Was Jesus" spoke to the depths of my soul, reminding me that even in my darkest moments, I was never alone. It was a reminder that amidst the chaos and confusion of life's trials, there was a constant, unwavering presence – Jesus.

With each verse, I felt the weight of my burdens lift, replaced by an overwhelming sense of comfort and reassurance. The song became a vessel through which the Holy Spirit worked, gently guiding me back to the path of faith and redemption.

Through the tears that streamed down my face, I felt the presence of Jesus drawing me near, whispering words of love and restoration. It was a divine encounter that transformed my heart, filling the emptiness within with the warmth of His love.

In the aftermath of such darkness, "There Was Jesus" became more than just a song – it was a testament to the faithfulness of God, a reminder that even in the depths of despair, His light shines brightest. And as the final notes faded into silence, I emerged from the darkness, renewed in spirit and filled with the overwhelming grace of the Holy Spirit.

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About Me

Image by Artem Kovalev

As an ex-psychic who was raised in the New Age movement, I have had a unique journey. However, I have found my true calling in God and Jesus. Through my experiences, I have learned the power of faith and the importance of living a life guided by love and compassion. I am grateful for my journey and excited to share my story with others.


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