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Confronting Entity Attacks: My Journey to Finding Strength and Faith in Jesus

Updated: Mar 19

In the darkest corners of my childhood, I was not alone. From a tender age, I found myself ensnared in a terrifying dance with demonic entities. Night after night, they haunted my dreams, their chilling presence seeping into my waking hours like a relentless shadow and continued into adulthood as well.

One particular memory stands out vividly—an encounter so harrowing it still sends shivers down my spine. I remember being dragged from my bed by an unseen force, while my partner clung desperately to me, fighting to keep me tethered to reality. It was a battle between light and darkness, and I was caught in the crossfire.

But it wasn't just the physical manifestations that haunted me; it was the subtle whispers, the eerie messages conveyed through Ouija boards that spelled out my name with chilling accuracy, beckoning me to join their sinister séance that I was not wanting to take part in. Each encounter left me feeling more powerless, more entangled in a web of fear and despair.

Yet amidst the darkness, there was a glimmer of hope—a flicker of light that I couldn't ignore. As a single mother in 2023, exhausted and broken, I found myself on my knees, tears streaming down my face as I uttered a desperate prayer for deliverance.

It was in that moment of vulnerability that everything changed. In the depths of my despair, I felt a presence—a warmth that enveloped me, driving out the darkness with a radiant light. It was the unmistakable touch of divine grace, the gentle whisper of a savior who had been waiting for me all along.

From that day forward, my journey took on a new trajectory. No longer shackled by fear, I found solace in the arms of Jesus, my rock and my redeemer. With each passing day, the shadows receded further into the background, replaced by a newfound sense of peace and purpose.

Today, as I reflect on the tumultuous path that brought me here, I am filled with gratitude—for the trials that strengthened my faith, for the demons that led me to the feet of Jesus. Though the road ahead may still be fraught with challenges, I walk it with unwavering confidence, knowing that I am never alone.

For anyone caught in the grip of darkness, I offer this message of hope: no matter how fierce the storm may rage, there is always a light that pierces the night, a love that conquers fear. In Jesus, there is freedom, there is redemption, and there is healing for the broken soul.

May my story serve as a beacon of hope to all who journey through the shadows, guiding them toward the everlasting light of faith and love.

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About Me

Image by Artem Kovalev

As an ex-psychic who was raised in the New Age movement, I have had a unique journey. However, I have found my true calling in God and Jesus. Through my experiences, I have learned the power of faith and the importance of living a life guided by love and compassion. I am grateful for my journey and excited to share my story with others.


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