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The Power of Prayer: Overcoming New Age Practices

Updated: Mar 19

Title: The Power of Prayer: Overcoming New Age Practices Introduction: In our journey of leaving the New Age and finding Christ, one of the most powerful tools we have is prayer. Prayer connects us to God, strengthens our faith, and helps us overcome the allure of New Age practices. In this post, we will explore the transformative power of prayer and provide practical tips on how to incorporate it into your spiritual journey. 1. Surrendering to God: Prayer is not just about asking for things; it is about surrendering ourselves to God's will. As we kneel in prayer, we acknowledge that God is in control and that we trust Him completely. By surrendering our desires and intentions to Him, we open ourselves up to His guidance and protection. 2. Seeking God's Truth: New Age practices often promote subjective truths and personal experiences. However, through prayer, we can seek God's absolute truth found in His Word, the Bible. Regularly reading and meditating on Scripture helps us discern between God's truth and the deceptive teachings of the New Age. 3. Breaking Free from Spiritual Bondage: Prayer has the power to break the chains of spiritual bondage. As we pray, we invite God's presence into our lives, and His light dispels the darkness of New Age practices. By renouncing and repenting of our involvement in these practices, we allow God to cleanse and renew our hearts. 4. Finding Strength in Community: Prayer is not meant to be done in isolation. As we journey away from the New Age, it is essential to surround ourselves with like-minded individuals who can support and encourage us. Joining a Christian community or prayer group provides a safe space to share our struggles, receive guidance, and pray together. 5. Praying for Discernment: One of the dangers of the New Age is its ability to disguise itself as spirituality. Through prayer, we can ask God for discernment to recognize and avoid deceptive practices. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you, to open your eyes to the truth, and to protect you from falling back into the New Age mindset. Conclusion: The power of prayer cannot be underestimated in our journey of leaving the New Age and finding Christ. Through prayer, we surrender to God, seek His truth, break free from spiritual bondage, find strength in community, and pray for discernment. As we embrace prayer as a daily practice, we invite God's transformative power into our lives, leading us closer to Him and away from the allure of the New Age. Remember, prayer is not just a one-time event but a lifelong conversation with our Heavenly Father.

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About Me

Image by Artem Kovalev

As an ex-psychic who was raised in the New Age movement, I have had a unique journey. However, I have found my true calling in God and Jesus. Through my experiences, I have learned the power of faith and the importance of living a life guided by love and compassion. I am grateful for my journey and excited to share my story with others.


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